Our coin is entering the final stages after 7 long years of work and diligence to get this Etherium cryptocurrency on the DeFi exchange.
We are devoted to the company and the cause. This cryptocurrency will explode and it is not corrupted as so many are these days. It is currently at $0,02. We could see it go to $1 or more.
From the top Executive in London:
- Time: We have stood the test of time and are still here pushing forward since 2017, where many projects folded or worse took the money and disappeared.
- Grass Roots: Totally organic growth since inception to date. We’re now at the very last stop with over 94% of the 900 million coins distributed to almost 2,200 wallet holders.
- Stable Dollar Pricing: Token has always been valued in cents and dollars, meaning the coin is still 2 cents. If it had been priced in ETH from the start, the cost to acquire would be well over 50 cents now.
- Metered Distribution and Anti-manipulation: We have never allowed large amounts of coins to be purchased by individuals (there were several offers early-on who wanted huge chunks of 100 million coins and above). This has always been to ensure no individual or group can manipulate the coin once fully distributed.
- Support: Over 5,000 transactions to date.
- Re-Brand: Once distribution is finalised, we have strong plans in place revolving around a complete rebrand with a focus on DeFi and the Metaverse.
- Good Will: Right from the start, we set aside 30 million coins to aid with charitable efforts (our Helping Hands initiative).
As we enter the end stages we are encouraging people to jump in. We are selling coins @ 0.02 and offering a 50% bonus and more incentives to get the final 6%, YES 6% left of 1 BILLION! to distribute and hit the exchange.
The price will rise quickly. This is a ground floor opportunity.
I hope you at least take the time to look into this cryptocurrency.
Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience should you have any questions or comments so as to move our business forward.
Alex Barta
WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal: +1 438-347-1515