The inaugural exhibition, titled “Golden Mountain”, features the work of renowned artist Lv Shanchuan, celebrated for his evocative landscape paintings. This exhibition signifies a groundbreaking moment as it launches the first tech collaboration of asset-backed NFTs tied to Lv Shanchuan’s work, opening new opportunities in the global Web3 world. By combining traditional fine art with blockchain-backed NFTs, ARTNOW showcases its commitment to blending the timeless value of original artwork with cutting-edge digital innovation.
Jasmine Tay, ARTNOW’s curator and visionary behind this initiative, expressed her excitement:
“At ARTNOW, we strive to redefine how art is experienced and valued. By embracing Web3 and NFTs, we are not only preserving the intrinsic value of original artwork but also unlocking new potential for artists and collectors in the digital age.”
To celebrate this new milestone, a tea reception will be held at 3 PM on January 18, 2025, offering guests an exclusive first look at the new space and Lv Shanchuan’s stunning creations. This exhibition represents ARTNOW’s forward-thinking approach, positioning itself as a global leader in merging art, technology, and innovation.
Exhibition Details:
Opening speech by ARTNOW owner & celebrated artist.
Register for the Event here:
ARTNOW is proud to curate and promote the world’s best artists, introducing pioneering concepts like asset-backed NFTs while staying true to the timeless value of traditional art. Join us as we celebrate this exciting new chapter in the art world and explore the endless possibilities of Web3.
Event is Co-organised by AsiaTokenFund Group, ART ASSET & Areply.