Tom Holland’s X account was reported hacked in a crypto scam. While the actor or his team has not confirmed the hack, the Spider-Man fans were quick enough to point out the hack after a series of posts were uploaded on Holland’s account about the actor partnering with a cryptocurrency firm.
Weird posts from the actor’s account started making the rounds on the internet, causing caution among users. Similarly, the late actor Matthew Perry’s account was also hacked in late 2024 when a site asked for donations.
How Did Fans Notice That Tom Holland’s Account Was Hacked?
After a series of posts were uploaded from Holland’s account, the users became suspicious whether it was the Spider-Man actor himself or foul play involved. Fans speculated on the matter by reducing it to two important factors. Tom Holland has not been active on social media accounts until he has a movie release or promotions coming up. So, for news as big as this, the actor would have made sure to circulate it on his other accounts, too.
The fans also claimed that the picture in the collaboration post was of a man hung upside down. Along with the photo, the user asked the audience if they were willing to kiss him while he hung from the web. The viewers suspect that the man in the picture is the hacker himself. Holland’s account was retrieved on Tuesday, April 16.
Tom Holland’s Romeo And Juliet
On the work front, Tom Holland is preparing for his role as Romeo in Jamie Llyod’s play Romeo and Juliet. The actor is cast alongside Francesca Amewudah Rivers, who will portray Juliet.
Speaking of his character, Holland said, “All I can say is that we have been actively engaging in conversations about what it could potentially look like for a fourth rendition of my character. Whether or not we can find a way to do justice to the character is another thing.”
He further added, “I feel very protective over Spider-Man. I feel very, very lucky that we were able to work on a franchise that got better with each movie, that got more successful with each movie, which I think is really rare, and I want to protect his legacy. So, I won’t make another one for the sake of making another one. It will have to be worth the while of the character.”
Romeo and Juliet opens at the Duke of York Theater on May 23.
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